Here is a conversation from our walk to the park today:
B: when we get to the park, we all play together?
Me: well, Daddy will meet us at the park after his run, and then I'll go for my run.
B: you switch?
Me: right, I'll go for my run and you'll play with Daddy.
B: then you switch again?
Me: no, then we'll all meet up at home and be together.
B: Why?
Me: to eat supper and then go to bed.
B: Why?
Me: because it's suppertime and then bedtime.
B: Why?
Me: because it's nighttime.
B: Why?
Me: I don't know how to answer that question.
B: Maybe it's just because!
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Never-ending Questions
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9:48 PM
Labels: crumpet
Friday, June 24, 2011
Midwestern Swing
A month ago (yeah, lots of call and not much blogging recently...) Alex and I had a fantastic Memorial Day weekend trip. Brynna had a lovely long weekend with M and Deen, and we grown-ups headed for the upper midwest to meet Steve and Lucy's new baby and to attend Todd and Ellen's wedding.
We started in Chicago with lots of baby-snuggling. Check out the beautiful Miss M!
Yeah, I really miss this part:
Look! Alex and I are in the same place! At the same time! Awake! Having breakfast at the fabulous Tweet.
Then Lucy and Steve were kind enough to let us take their car to Michigan for the wedding. It was our first expedition in a hybrid, and our first time with a GPS.
So, we had to get used to hitting a power button rather than turning a key, which was a little odd:
The GPS came in really handy, especially in the city.
We didn't take any pictures at the wedding party, because we were too busy having fun! Yummy food, lots of games, a joyous occasion all round.
Now, if we could only persuade our midwestern friends to move to New Hampshire...
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9:08 PM
Labels: travel
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Here's the first product of this year's garden: garlic scapes. These are the immature flowering stalks of a garlic plant. Snipping these off before they are more fully formed encourages the plant to put its energy into developing the bulb. Plus, they make for an interesting cooking ingredient. The most adventurous can use them as a 1:1 replacement for asparagus or green beans in some dishes. I chopped these and used them in place of most of the garlic in the sofrito base for a cuban black bean soup earlier this week.
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12:47 PM
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Scope of Practice
Today I...
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9:13 PM
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Mailbox, part 2
I finished the new mailbox for the house last weekend. What took so long, when the carpentry was knocked out in a single day weeks ago? Some bad experience with paints is what happened. I'll start with the good:
Yes, it looks rather nice if I do say so myself. My better than what it replaced, certainly. Roomy enough even for one of those occasional 5-magazines, 2-netflix, and a pile of solicitations mail days.
The reason it took so long to finish off was due to a serious disagreement with the paint. I had wanted the paint to match the shade of green used for the woodwork of the new porch. It is, more or less, a dark, foresty green. So, at the local hardware store, I perused the color cards, decided on "Billiard Green," and had a quart mixed up. However, after two coats, it was pretty clear that the color wasn't even close. Instead of a sort of forest green that showed on the card, I got something more like the bright new leaves on our maple tree out front, or the green felt of a vegas table under the harshest light. Photography doesn't quite do it justice in terms of lighting and exposure, but even in this crude shot you can see it just doesn't match up:
Plus, after the two coats and a few days' drying time, the paint was still tacky to the touch. WTF?! So I too it back, along with the painted lid, and was able to swap it out for a new batch of a darker shade: Black Spruce. I thought about stripping the mailbox down to bare wood and starting over, but decided to take my chances with just painting over the first two coats (the alternative was many evening spend scraping away the old paint - it would have been faster and easier to just make a new box!) This was closer to what I was aiming for, and more closely matched the color swatch, but didn't quite match.
Somewhat defeated and very ready to move on, I deemed it "close enough" after two coats.
But a few days later, I discovered that this paint, too, was still tacky to the touch. I did a little digging and discovered why: many water-based latex paints, particularly thick exterior grades, are forever tacky even after fully curing. Something about the paint being flexible enough to expand with the wood. Many DIY pages warn specifically against latex paints for bookshelves and the like because of it. To which I respond: why the hell would you put a whole class of paint on the market that never actually dries? An oil-based paint would have yielded better results, I'm told, but I really didn't want to deal with fumes from the paint and mineral spirits, especially since I was doing this work in my basement. Plus, painting oil-based over layers of water-based latex is a recipe for disaster.
In the end I opted to put a clear-coat acrylic over top of the now four layers of green paint and hope for the best. This dried tack-free and, in this first week of use, seems to be doing alright. Another coat to the interior surfaces that those glossy magazines contact may yet be in order.
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12:41 PM
Labels: house, woodworking
Monday, June 6, 2011
Good Times Ahead (and a few today)
Work is busy, busy, busy. My class is running a bit short-handed at the moment (no one's fault, just happenstance), so despite being off on Monday, I still worked 88 hours last week. Ick! This has not been great for family time, sleep time, or workout time.
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9:17 PM
Saturday, June 4, 2011
Egregious Packaging
World Kitchen, the online distributor of all things Pyrex, has just landed themselves on my shit-list for Egregious and Wasteful Packaging. We have, over the last few years, gradually moved away from using conventional tupperware, and now pack most of our leftovers in these Pyrex storage bowls with plastic lids. We purchased some knock-offs second hand a while back, too. We've yet to break any, and have probably gotten a few dozen uses from each, with every intention of a few hundred more. As a bonus, they don't turn yellow when I store curries in them.
Problem is, even though the bowls are immutable glass, the lids from the knock-offs haven't fared as well. They are made of flimsier plastic, and almost all have developed a split along the edge, which means they have started to leak. It seems ridiculous to retire a perfectly good glass bowl just because the plastic lid has gone bad. After some searching, I determined you can buy replacement Pyrex lids onesey-twosey from World Kitchen.
The lids arrived today, packaged thus:
A cardboard box 6" x 6" x 15", filled with bubble wrap, all for six discs of plastic. Were they afraid the lids would shatter from the rigors of the journey? Would an envelope have been too much trouble?
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9:50 PM
Labels: green
Friday, June 3, 2011
Spring Planting
We got some pepper plant seedlings a little while back, and have only just now gotten them into the ground. They did alright sitting on the back steps, but really need some space to grow. They look small next to the enormous spreading leaves of our garlic, but they should catch up before long. B enjoyed helping:
This weekend is the first of the season for the Concord Farmer's market. We hope to score some nice tomato seedlings to put in alongside.
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9:47 PM
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Ice Cream
As the weather has turned warmer, we've found ourselves drawn inexorably to the ice cream stand in the neighborhood. We don't make a frequent habit of it, but some days it just seems like the right thing to do. Our first outing of the year was about a month ago, when it was all of 55 degrees:
Mint chocolate chip - just like Mama. Good thing we went for the "baby" size - small is twice as big!
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9:41 PM
Labels: food