Monday, August 30, 2010

The Beginning of a Beautiful Relationship

I spent about 10 years of my life as a fairly serious equestrienne. Medical school and residency have put the temporary kibosh on that, but when in the Upper Valley, I do try to go and check in on retired mount Panache. I often dream of returning to the saddle, and hope that it's something that Brynna and I may be able to enjoy together.

Brynna has recently become fascinated with Panache, wanting to see pictures of him and remembering our visits. So while we were up blueberry picking this weekend (separate post to come), we decided to go and visit the barn. I asked her if she wanted to ride him, and she seemed game.

She started out from a safe spot outside the fence...

Where she and Dada consulted on the proper approach...

To such a large creature:

Then, once she saw that Mama was having such a good time, Dada helped her mount up...

And off we went...

I think she's a fan!


Clara said...

Yay horses! Never too early to get started on them. :D

And: I recognize that shirt Alex is wearing!

Beth said...
