Sunday, October 19, 2008

Snoozy Weekend

My rotation in the emergency department has been keeping me more busy and tired than I expected...probably because the times of day of my shifts change on a daily basis. But this weekend, I finally had a real weekend: two days in a row without going in to work. This is the first one in three weeks. Whew.

Despite my long to-do list, I mostly spent the weekend napping and hanging out with the suddenly voracious Brynna. (Must be a growth spurt.) Here's the general gist of things:

It was also a beautiful, sunny couple of days, so we spent lots of time on the porch. Here's Alex reading to Brynna:

And me reading (I finished one-and-a-half mysteries this weekend) with Brynna napping:

Jasper and I also had two lovely runs, followed by a couple of long yoga sessions for me.

So, it's been a much-needed quiet break.

1 comment:

Beth said...

oh my goodness! i cannot get over the little froggy feet! TOO CUTE!